As per my previous post, we’re looking at our options for web analytics.
I know that Google recently bought , and I heard that Urchin just slashed their prices for their services so I figured I’d give em a try. We’re paying $300 a month ($200 for first 100,000 page views and $100 for each additional million)
The good:

  • The reports look very nice.
  • The reports provide me with most of the information I need.
  • The site’s responce time is fine.

The bad:

  • Service sucks. There is no telephone support and the emails are usually answered within 24 hours. Ocasionally the responses don’t really help much either.
  • Not all of the web analytics I need is provided. For example, I’d like to be able to view my bounce rates per campaign.

The other option we’re checking is Net Tracker SMB.
List price is $7,500 but we’re upgrading so we’re getting a better deal.
The good:

  • Service is excellent. I’m just evaluating and already I’m getting my questions answered on the phone within minutes.
  • I can basically query any question I can come up with

The bad:

  • Since we’re looking at an in-house solution, we’re gonna need to buy a high end maching to handle our queries.
  • The reports don’t look as nice